Here’s what some of our clients have to say about training with us. A huge thank you to them for sending through their lovely comments – much appreciated!
“The trouble with a rat race is that even when you win, you’re still a rat.”
- Lily Tomlin
"What I liked most about the course was the personalised attention......the way you both provided advice about personal injuries and experiences was excellent.
I felt that the combination of backgrounds you both had really complimented each other, and it meant that whoever would come on a course in the future would be able to relate very well to either or both of your experiences. I also liked the way that you were both able to answer questions equally well, with very similar answers despite different backgrounds. Overall, I thought the course was absolutely spot on. Although I felt I knew a fair bit about barefoot running and already had some experience, your course has really inspired me. I learnt far more than I thought I could in two days and feel more confident speaking to people about barefoot running, which I think is really important. I have run a lot more barefoot since and I now officially run more often without shoes than with. Most notably, I have been able to run without any arch pain in my feet. THANK YOU SO MUCH!"
Taryn, London

"I thought the course was really great. I really liked the fact that it was much more than just about barefoot running. It was great to learn about the biomechanics and injury prevention, but also to chat about general fitness and lifestyle issues. Also I really enjoyed doing the exercises and drills and think they will be very useful to develop a good running style. Having already read a lot about barefoot running, I still came away with masses of new information. You are also very encouraging, which is great for someone previously sports-shy like me. The informal style worked well and it meant that we talked about all sorts of interesting things that we might not have otherwise, and also that we could bombard you with questions!"
Hilary, Surrey

"Thank you for all your observations, insights and running advice....your feedback and communication is very professional."
Martin, London

"Really enjoyed the run at Clapham Common this morning. Many thanks to Anna and David for their valuable support and assistance, making my journey from Maidstone well worthwhile. Looking forward to the next run."
Robin, Kent

"I wanted to say thank you again to you and David for the great session. I'm looking forward to putting everything I've learned into practice!"
Gabriel, London
"Thanks very much for today's session, it was very informative and I will be running barefoot very soon!"
Cheri, London

"Thanks very much for the thorough and considered advice."
Mick, North East England
"It was an absolute pleasure to share time with you. I think that the shared philosophies of your company will see you in great demand in the very near future. I found your style of teaching very easy and informative. I certainly can’t wait to train with you guys again soon... what a day I am still buzzing!"
Graham, Surrey

“Before working with David I was finding it increasingly difficult to walk downstairs without holding on for fear of falling due to knee surgery I had over twenty years ago. My GP had told me that he couldn’t do much more for me and that I definitely shouldn’t run again. I contacted David to help me feel fitter and more able to move around and it didn’t cross my mind that we’d do any running. I worked with him on a rehab-type programme and found myself getting stronger and more supple. I was slightly anxious when, after a few sessions, he suggested that we try running.
However, we just took it very slowly and he was encouraging and informative, teaching me new things about my technique that were really helpful. I am now running regularly, without pain, and have lost almost two stones! David has helped me regain my confidence and I am so pleased to feel so much fitter and have no pain!”
Hilary, London